Can I Get an Enhanced DBS Check for Myself? - A Comprehensive Guide

As an individual, you cannot request your own standard or enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. Only organizations and licensing bodies can request a DBS verification. A standard DBS check covers all criminal records, including admonitions, cautions, and convictions, found in the national police computer, except those listed in the DBS filtering standard. People can request a basic DBS check if they are self-employed or if their new position requires a DBS check.

Care Check is one of the main coordinating bodies of the Disclosure and Barring Service and has been named one of the eight leading providers of criminal background checks in the UK. The enhanced DBS check covers the same criminal background check as in a standard DBS, but it also compares it to the DBS list of banned children and adults (when applicable) and includes information provided by local police forces in England and Wales. There are four types of DBS checks, and each of them results in the issuance of a DBS certificate to a person.

Eligibility for Standard and Enhanced DBS Checks

Eligibility for standard DBS checks, enhanced checks, and enhanced checks with barred lists is prescribed in legislation.

This is where an enhanced DBS check is required, but it can be difficult for anyone who is self-employed, as they have to request it through an organization. This occurs when a person requests an enhanced DBS check to work with children or adults under certain circumstances, for example, if they are people receiving healthcare or personal care, and the check reveals relevant information that causes consideration to include the person on one of the barred lists or both. You'll need to ask the company you work for to request a standard or enhanced DBS check on your behalf.

Recruiters Should Only Request a Person's DBS When Legally Authorized

Recruiters should only request that a person's DBS be checked when they are legally authorized to do so; they must have the right by law to ask a person to disclose their full criminal record.

The only certificate you can request as an individual is a basic DBS certificate that contains information about five years of unserved sentences under the Offender Rehabilitation Act 1974 (ROA). An enhanced DBS check with barred lists is also suitable for people who work with children or adults under certain circumstances, such as those receiving medical or personal care. The certificate will contain the same details as a standard certificate and, if the position is eligible, the employer can request that one or both of the DBS barred lists be checked.

The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)

The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) helps employers make safer hiring decisions every year by processing and issuing DBS checks for England, Wales, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.

As this check has no eligibility criteria and is not specific to each position, anyone can apply for a basic DBS certificate. If you're self-employed and need to take an enhanced DBS exam, depending on the industry niche you're in and whether you meet some criteria, you may be able to get one. In conclusion, individuals cannot request their own standard or enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. Only organizations and licensing bodies can do so. However, individuals can apply for a basic DBS certificate which contains information about five years of unserved sentences under the Offender Rehabilitation Act 1974 (ROA).

If you're self-employed and need to take an enhanced DBS exam, depending on your industry niche and whether you meet some criteria, you may be able to get one.

Elsie Thomas
Elsie Thomas

Hipster-friendly beer lover. Subtly charming beer scholar. Freelance sushiaholic. Hipster-friendly coffee trailblazer. Total web advocate. Incurable food trailblazer.