How Fast Can You Get an Enhanced DBS Check?

Basic DBS checks can only be done by individuals, which currently take an average of 5 to 7 business days. Standard DBS checks are usually completed within 48 hours. Enhanced DBS verifications average approximately 5 days, if you request them through us. The completion time for an improved DBS verification ranges from 24 hours to 14 days.

The time needed to receive an improved DBS certificate can take between 4 and 8 weeks. In rare circumstances, it can take more than 8 weeks. Online DBS checks are processed faster than postal checks, so you'll get a faster response. You will usually receive the result by email within 48 hours and the certificate will arrive by mail in an average of 2 weeks.

As an expert in SEO, I can tell you that getting a fast result from an enhanced DBS check is possible. The vast majority of DBS checks are processed in a matter of days, usually no more than a week, sometimes as fast as a few hours, depending on the level of DBS control performed. However, in some cases, the request can take much longer due to errors in the form or a delay on the part of the police. When considering the time it takes for DBS checks, it's important to remember that no DBS supervisory body can 100% guarantee the return of your DBS check in a specific period of time.

Instead of submitting the forms, requesting the DBS check online can significantly speed up the process and avoid delays (and potential losses) in the postal system. The fastest way to get the result of an online DBS check is usually within 24 hours and the certificate sent within 14 days, but usually much less. Employers have three different types of criminal background checks (also known as DBS checks) at their disposal: basic, standard and enhanced. If you send your application form to the DBS with errors or missing information, the DBS will have to make an enquiry, which will delay your request. Using the update service will significantly speed up the process of obtaining DBS results since all you have to do is log in to the DBS portal and make sure that there has been no change in the user's certificate. Whether you requested a basic DBS check yourself or the employer requested a standard or improved DBS check on your behalf, the delivery time should be similar.

In this digital age, more and more employers are using software solutions to perform annual and pre-hire DBS checks. Due to the COVID-19 situation, employers have to adapt periodically to screen potential employees so it's fair to say that DBS checks may not be as fast as they normally would be. In conclusion, if you are requesting a DBS check for an employee on behalf of your organization, you can request a basic, standard, improved or improved DBS check with a limiting level depending on the position you are applying for. To sum up, getting a fast result from an enhanced DBS check is possible and it is usually completed within 48 hours if requested online. However, there are certain factors that can cause delays such as errors in forms or delays from police departments. Employers should use software solutions to perform annual and pre-hire DBS checks and use the update service to speed up the process.

Elsie Thomas
Elsie Thomas

Hipster-friendly beer lover. Subtly charming beer scholar. Freelance sushiaholic. Hipster-friendly coffee trailblazer. Total web advocate. Incurable food trailblazer.