Understanding the New DBS Filtering Rules: What You Need to Know

The Disclosure and Prohibition Services (DBS) help employers make safer hiring decisions and prevent inadequate people from working with vulnerable groups, including children. To ensure this, the rules that regulate what criminal record will be revealed in a standard or improved DBS certificate are set out in legislation. This is known as “filtering”. The multiple conviction rule has been removed, meaning that if a person has more than one conviction, each will be considered against other rules individually, instead of all being automatically disclosed.

Admonitions and convictions that are not covered by the regulations are classified as “protected” and will not appear on the DBS certificate. Warnings, admonitions, and warnings received when a person was under 18 years of age will also not appear on a standard or improved certificate. There is a list of crimes that will always be indicated in a DBS certificate and are known as “specific crimes”. These types of crimes are often of a serious sexual or violent nature, or are relevant to protecting children and vulnerable adults. Aiding, abetting, advising, or attempting to commit a crime is also included in this list. It is important to note that improved DBS certificates may also include information from police records related to a protected warning or conviction, if the police believe that the information is relevant to the sector that the person has applied for employment in.

All employment application forms for positions that can undergo standard or improved DBS verification must correctly reflect the new rules. Before providing relevant information to your employers, it's important to check if certain violations are eligible for filtering based on your DBS verification. It's natural for any employer requesting a DBS evaluation from a potential candidate to want to know everything about that candidate to ensure they're making the best hiring decision. Only in the case of improved DBS controls can local police consider a reprimand or conviction to be relevant to the person's role. We understand that the new rules will not automatically apply to the DBS update service, so applicants using that service will need to request a new verification. As an expert in SEO, it is important to understand how these new filtering rules affect your business. By understanding these rules and how they apply to your business, you can ensure you are making informed decisions when it comes to hiring employees.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure you are making safe and secure hiring decisions.

Elsie Thomas
Elsie Thomas

Hipster-friendly beer lover. Subtly charming beer scholar. Freelance sushiaholic. Hipster-friendly coffee trailblazer. Total web advocate. Incurable food trailblazer.